Awards and distinctions
- Award at the International Competition of Scientific Papers at the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI, Moscow, Russia) - Математическое моделирование и управление динамическими системами формообразования нежестких упругодеформированных валов, 2008. 55 p,
- Rector's of Lublin University of Technology Award, second degree, team award for special achievements in organizational activities in the academic year 2013/2014,
- Numerous diplomas for papers at the International Scientific and Technical Conference of students, doctoral students and young scientists "Modern directions of development of machinery, equipment and transport", Sevastopol, Ukraine 2006-2012,
Award of the Rector of Lublin University of Technology, second degree, team award for special achievements in teaching activities in the academic year 2014/2015, - Rector's of Lublin University of Technology Award, 1st degree, team award for special achievements in organizational activities in the academic year 2015/2016,
- Rector's of Lublin University of Technology Award, individual, third degree for special achievements in organizational activities in the academic year 2016/2017,
- Rector's of Lublin University of Technology Award, second degree, team award for special achievements in organizational activities in the academic year 2018/2019,
- Rector's of Lublin University of Technology Award, second degree, team award for special achievements in scientific activity in the academic year 2019/2020,
- Medal of the Commission of National Education (July 18, 2019),
- Silver award on International Innovation and Invention EXPO 2023 (11 November 2023, Goa, India),
- Gold medal at IPITEX 2024 - Bangkok International Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition (6 February 2024, Bangkok, Thailand),
- Rector's of Lublin University of Technology Award, second degree, individual award for special achievements in teaching in the academic year 2023/2024.
In recognition of public activities related to blood donation and its promotion, awarded in addition:
- Silver Cross of Merit (by order of the President of Poland) (09.11.2016),
- Badge of Honorary Blood Donor - Meritorious for the Health of the Nation (by the Minister of Health) (24.10.2017),
- Fourth Degree Badge of Honor by Polish Red Cross (06.10.2020),
- Gold badge of honor "Distinguished Honorary Blood Donor of the 1st Degree" (20.11.2008),
- Silver badge of honor "Distinguished Honorary Blood Donor of the 2nd Degree" (31.01.2008),
- Bronze badge of honor "Distinguished Honorary Blood Donor of the 3rd Degree" (24.11.2004).